Dear ESEAOR Team
The New Year is a celebration of hope and resolutions; a time of recollection and of bracing new challenges opportunities. This is a special time when individuals and communities reunite and renew and re-affirm their commitments of love and service. In the spirit of the season, let me first thank all of you for all your efforts of giving and solidarity. As we look forward to 2015, let us all grab the lessons of 2014 and use them wisely and bravely. On behalf of all our Member Associations, let me thank you for being with us and for continuously supporting our mission to change the lives of the vulnerable and underserved sectors in our region with essential SRH services and information. You can expect that in the coming New Year, we will passionately continue our advocacy and services especially to those who need them desperately. We thank you for marching with us side by side as we try and create a policy environment that would allow women and couples choices, young peoples’ voices to be heard, and SRH rights promoted, protected, and fulfilled. Our task is not yet done, though. 2015 offers new challenges. What keeps us going, aside from our passion to serve, is the knowledge that you will be there with us. From all of us in IPPF-ESEAOR, we wish you a Happy and Wonderful New Year! To many of us who celebrate Christmas, we wish you a Ho HoHo Christmas! May Santa rewards you amazingly with joy and love.
Thank you!
Respectfully Nora
Nora Murat
Regional Director